NxSeq UltraLow DNA Library Kit/NxSeq超低量DNA建库试剂盒
货号 | 15012-2/15096-2 | 售价(元) | 4351/34027 |
规格 | 12T/96T | CAS号 |
- 产品简介
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货号 |
名称 |
规格 |
价格/元 |
15012-2/15096-2 |
NxSeq UltraLow DNA Library Kit/NxSeq超低量DNA建库试剂盒 |
12T/96T |
4351/34027 |
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The NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit supplies the buffers and enzymes needed to make high efficiency DNA fragment libraries for whole genome next generation sequencing on Illumina sequencers. This kit is optimized for the production of DNA fragment libraries starting with 50 pg to 75 ng of sheared/fragmented DNA. This kit may be used in other applications such as FFPE, ChIP and exome sequencing where PCR amplified libraries are required, but it has not been tested extensively in these applications. Note, the number of PCR cycles required for amplification is dependent on the starting amount of the ultralow input sheared DNA. Also, the number of observed PCR duplicates sequenced is dependent on sample complexity, number of multiplexed samples, and the model of Illumina sequencer used.
NxSeq®UltraLowDNA文库试剂盒提供制备高效DNA片段文库所需的缓冲液和酶,用于Illumina测序仪的全基因组二代测序。 该试剂盒针对DNA片段文库的生产进行了优化,从50 pg至75 ng的剪切/片段化DNA开始。 该试剂盒可用于其他应用,如FFPE,ChIP和外显子组测序,其中需要PCR扩增文库,但尚未在这些应用中进行广泛测试。 注意,扩增所需的PCR循环数取决于超低输入剪切DNA的起始量。 此外,测序的观察到的PCR重复序列的数量取决于样品复杂性,多重样品的数量和所用Illumina测序仪的模型。
This User Manual couples the NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit, 12 Reactions with the NxSeq® Single Indexing Kits for lower throughput sequencing experiments. For higher throughput sequencing experiments (e.g. 96 library preps in a 96 well plate), we recommend using the NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit, 96 Reactions (Cat. No. 15096-1) with the NxSeq® HT Dual Indexing Kit (Cat. No. 15300-1). If you prefer to use dual indices with the NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit, 12 Reactions, please follow the amplification protocol outlined in the NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit, 96 Reactions User Manual and adapt it to the single tube reaction format.
本用户手册将NxSeq®UltraLowDNA文库试剂盒,12种反应与NxSeq®单一index试剂盒结合,进行低通量测序实验。 对于更高通量的测序实验(例如96孔板中的96个文库制备),我们建议使用NxSeq®UltraLowDNA文库试剂盒,96反应(货号 15096-1)和NxSeq®HTindex试剂盒(货号 15300-1)。如果您更喜欢使用NxSeq®UltraLowDNA Library Kit,12 Reactions进行双index,请遵循NxSeq®UltraLowDNA Library Kit,96 Reactions User Manual中列出的扩增方案,并使其适应单管反应形式。
▪ High Quality Data: High efficiency adaptor ligation produces complex libraries that yield improved sequencing depth uniformity and better coverage with fewer zero coverage regions
- 高质量数据:高效率的接头连接产生复杂的文库,可以提供更好的测序深度均匀性和更好的覆盖率,减少零覆盖区域
▪ Sensitive: Construct DNA fragment libraries from as little as 50pg to as much 75 ng of sheared/fragmented DNA
- 灵敏:构建DNA片段文库,从低至50 pg到75 ng剪切/片段化DNA
▪ Minimal Bias: Robust, uniform PCR amplification improves coverage uniformity when working with low input amounts of genomic DNA
- 最小偏差:当使用低输入量的基因组DNA时,稳健,均匀的PCR扩增可提高覆盖均匀性
▪ Flexible:Extensively tested in de novo whole genome sequencing or resequencing, but compatible with other applications such as exome-seq,ChIP-seq and FFPE DNA samples.
- 灵活:在全新的全基因组测序或重新测序中进行了广泛测试,但与exome-seq,ChIP-seq和FFPE DNA样品等其他应用也兼容。
▪ Fast: 3 hour protocol gets your samples on the sequencer quicker
- 快速:3小时操作即可,可以更快地进行测序
▪High Value: Cost-effective library and indexing kits which produce excellent sequencing results
▪ 高价值:经济高效的文库和index试剂盒,可产生出色的测序结果
Figure 3. Typical Bioanalyzer trace for library generated using input gDNA sheared mechanically to 350 bp.
Figure 4. Typical Bioanalyzer traces for final libraries generated using input gDNA sheared enzymatically.
▪ Enzyme Mix:-20°C
▪ 2X Buffer :-20°C
▪ Ligase:-20°C
▪ Elution Buffer:-20°C
▪ 2X PCR Master Mix:-20°C