NxSeq® AmpFREE 14000 Low DNA Library Kit 基因文库构建试剂盒
货号 | 14000-1/2 | 售价(元) | 3193/12234 |
规格 | 10T/48T | CAS号 |
- 产品简介
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14000-1/2 |
NxSeq® AmpFREE 14000 Low DNA Library Kit 基因文库构建试剂盒 |
10T/48T |
3193/12234 |
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The NxSeq AmpFREE Low DNA Library Kit and Adaptors are only compatible with Illumina sequencers.Each NxSeq AmpFREE Low DNA Library Kit contains Enzyme Mix (EM), 2X Buffer (2XB), Ligase (LIG) and Elution Buffer (EB). Adaptors must be purchased separately.Each box of NxSeq Adaptors contains (12) different indexed Illumina-compatible adaptors with enough of each adapter for 4 library reactions. Box 1 contains adaptors 1-12 and Box 2 contains adapters 13-24.
NxSeq AmpFREE低DNA文库套件和适配器仅与Illumina测序仪兼容。每个NxSeq AmpFREE低DNA文库套件包含酶混合物(EM),2X缓冲液(2XB),连接酶(LIG)和洗脱缓冲液(EB)。接头必须单独购买。每盒NxSeq接头包含(12)不同的Illumina兼容 index ,每个接头足够4个文库反应。 Box1包含接头1-12,Box2包含接头13-24。
▪ Low Input: Requires as little as 75 ng of sheared input DNA allowing use of limiting samples.
- 低输入:需要少至75 ng的剪切输入DNA,允许使用限制性样品。
▪ High Efficiency: Optimized adaptor ligation produces more sequenceable fragments in each library, yielding better coverage & depth from single or multiplexed libraries.
- 高效:优化的接头连接在每个文库中产生更多可测序的片段,从单个或多重文库中获得更好的覆盖率和深度。
▪ PCR-free: Prevents the introduction of PCR-bias, providing more uniform coverage.
- 无PCR:防止引入PCR偏向,提供更均匀的覆盖。
图1. Percentage of library DNA with correctly ligated adaptors measured by qPCR.
Duplicate libraries were prepped per kit/organism (Human, Staphylococcus aureus, Rhodobacter sphaeroides (1 library only), and E. coli) according to the manufacturer’s recommended input amounts and protocols. Adaptor ligation efficiency was measured by qPCR using the KAPA Library Quantification Kit (Complete ROX Low, cat #KK4873) and matching amplified library as an internal standard.
Each NxSeq AmpFREE Low DNA Library Kit contains Enzyme Mix (EM), 2X Buffer (2XB), Ligase (LIG) and Elution Buffer (EB). Adaptors must be purchased separately.
每个NxSeq AmpFREE低DNA文库试剂盒包含酶混合物(EM),2X缓冲液(2XB),连接酶(LIG)和洗脱缓冲液(EB)。 接头必须单独购买。
The NxSeq® AmpFREE Low DNA Library Kit allows you to build the best fragment DNA libraries possible. We optimized each step of the protocol to ensure peak performance on Illumina sequencers. In addition, these kits require only 75 ng of sheared DNA input, and produce libraries in about 2 hours using a streamlined, easy to follow protocol.
NxSeq®PampFREE低DNA文库试剂盒允许您构建最佳的片段DNA文库。 我们优化了操作的每个步骤,以确保Illumina测序仪的峰值性能。 此外,这些试剂盒仅需要75 ng的剪切DNA输入,并使用简化的易于遵循的方案,能在约2小时内产生文库。