Plasmid-Safe™ ATP-Dependent DNase/ATP依赖的DNA酶
货号 | E3101K/E3110K | 售价(元) | 1230/6462 |
规格 | 1000U/10000U | CAS号 |
- 产品简介
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Plasmid-Safe™ ATP-Dependent DNase/ATP依赖的DNA酶 |
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Plasmid-Safe™ ATP-Dependent DNase selectively hydrolyzes linear double-stranded (ds) DNA to deoxynucleotides at slightly alkaline pH and, with a lower efficiency, linear and closed-circular single-stranded DNAs. The reaction is ATP-dependent, and does not affect closed-circular supercoiled or nicked circular dsDNAs. The enzyme can be conveniently and completely heat-inactivated by a 30 minute incubation at 70°C. Plasmid-Safe DNase is useful as a final “cleanup” of DNA preparations from plasmid and cosmid clones, to avoid the problems caused by contaminating genomic DNA.
粘粒、BAC、fosmid和质粒制备物中去除污染的细菌染色体DNA。该酶将从末端逐步降解线性DNA;闭环DNA(例如质粒)不具有游离末端,因此不会被降解。这些特性使得Plasmid-Safe ATP-Dependent DNase成为BAC和fosmid纯化方案的理想选择,例如用于鸟枪测序,以及其他需要高纯度DNA的应用。
- Digest contaminating linear DNA without digesting nicked or closed-circular dsDNA or supercoiled DNA (plasmids, fosmids, etc.);
- Use as a final purification step for plasmid, cosmid, fosmid, and BAC vector and clone preparations
- Utilize whenever protecting circular dsDNA is important
- 消化污染的线性DNA,而不消化有缺口或封闭的圆形dsDNA或超螺旋DNA(质粒,粘粒等);
- 用作质粒,cosmid, fosmid,BAC载体和克隆制剂的最终纯化步骤;
- 在保护重要环状dsDNA时使用.
▪ Plasmid-Safe™ ATPDependent DNase (10U/μL):1mL; -20°C
▪ Plasmid-Safe™ 10X Buffer:5mL;-20°C
▪ ATP Solution (25 mM):2m L; -20°C