EpiScript™ RNase H- Reverse Transcriptase/EpiScript™ RNase H-逆转录酶
货号 | ERT12925K/ERT12910K | 售价(元) | 1453/2460 |
规格 | 10000U/25000U | CAS号 |
- 产品简介
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货号 |
名称 |
规格 |
价格/元 |
30250-1/2 |
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ERT12925K/ERT12910K |
EpiScript™ RNase H- Reverse Transcriptase/EpiScript™ RNase H-逆转录酶 |
10000U/25000U |
1453/2460 |
E3101K/E3110K |
Plasmid-Safe™ ATP-Dependent DNase/ATP依赖的DNA酶 |
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EpiScript™ RNase H– Reverse Transcriptase (EpiScript RT), an alternative to SuperScript® II Reverse Transcriptase, is a recombinant MMLV reverse transcriptase with reduced RNase H activity. It is highly efficient at producing full-length cDNA from long RNA templates. EpiScript RT demonstrates significantly more activity than other MMLV Reverse transcriptase enzymes. It is capable of producing cDNA from as little as 100pg of total RNA for real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis and other applications.
EpiScript RT is supplied at a concentration of 200U/μL. A 10X RT Reaction Buffer and 100 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) are also provided.
EpiScript™RNase H –逆转录酶(EpiScript RT)是SuperScript®II逆转录酶的替代品,是一种重组MMLV逆转录酶,其RNase H活性降低。 从长RNA模板产生全长cDNA的效率很高。EpiScript RT具有比其他MMLV逆转录酶更高的活性。它能够从少至100pg的总RNA中产生cDNA,用于实时RT-PCR(qRT-PCR)分析和其他应用。
EpiScript RT的浓度为200U /μL。还提供了10X RT反应缓冲液和100 mM二硫苏糖醇(DTT)。
EpiScript Reverse Trascriptase可以非常高效地从RNA模板产生长度达12kb的全长cDNA。该酶经基因工程改造以显著降低RNase H活性。这种结构修饰消除了第一链cDNA合成过程中RNA分子的降解,使得EpiScrit Reverse Transcriptase在实时RT-PCR分析和其他应用中表现出卓越的性能。
▪ Produce full-length cDNA with RNAse H- mutant;
▪ Achieve higher specificity at elevated temperatures, up to 55°C
▪ EpiScript RNase H- Reverse Transcriptase(200U/μL):125μL; -20°C
▪ 10X Reaction Buffer:600μL;-20°C
▪ DTT(100 mM):600μL;-20°C