Expresso® T7 SUMO Cloning and Expression System,Expresso® T7 SUMO克隆及蛋白表达系统
货号 | 49003-1/2 | 售价(元) | 3999/7208 |
规格 | 5T/10T | CAS号 |
- 产品简介
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Expresso® T7 SUMO Cloning and Expression System,Expresso® T7 SUMO克隆及蛋白表达系统 |
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The Expresso SUMO Cloning and Protein Expression Systems are designed for fast, easy, and efficient directional cloning and soluble expression of PCR-amplified genes. For proteins that form inclusion bodies or are difficult to express in soluble form, the pETite® N-His SUMO and pRham™ N-His SUMO Vectors allow expression of target proteins with an amino-terminal 6xHis-SUMO protein tag. SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier) is a relatively small (100-residue) polypeptide that has been shown to enhance the soluble expression of many proteins that are otherwise difficult to produce in E. coli.
▪ Enzyme-free directional PCR cloning in seconds!
▪ Save days of effort with ready-to-use vectors and competent cells - NO ligation step.
▪ Tightly-controlled expression of N-terminal 6xHis-tagged proteins with cleavable SUMO solubility tag.
Figure 1. SUMO expression vector: Small size (2.5 kb vs. 5.4 kb for pET) for easier manipulation, including targeted mutagenesis. Expression plasmid is pre-processed for instant enzyme-free cloning of PCR products.
Figure 2. Large-scale cloning and expression case study: (A) PCR products from 48 putative hydrolase genes ranging from ~1 to >3 kb. (B) Uninduced (-) and IPTG-induced (+) samples of HI-Control BL21(DE3) cells with 6 different genes cloned into the pETite C-His Vector. (C) Enhanced solubility of SUMO-tagged 2201 and 2442 gene products. Total cell extract and soluble fractions are shown. (D) Removal of 6xHis-SUMO tag from purified SUMO-2201 fusion protein by SUMO protease. –prot: uncleaved SUMO-2201 fusion protein after IMAC purification; +prot: SUMO protease-treated fusion protein; C: isolated 2201 protein after removal of 6xHis-SUMO fragment and SUMO protease by subtractive IMAC.
▪ Expresso® T7 Cloning and Expression System, N-His(货号#49001)
▪ Expresso® T7 Cloning and Expression System, C-His(货号#49002)
▪ HI-Control™ 10G Chemically Competent Cells (SOLOs)(货号#60110-1)
▪ HI-Control™ BL21(DE3) Chemically Competent Cells (SOLOs)(货号#60435-1)
▪ SUMO Express Protease(货号#30801)