Expresso® T7 Cloning and Expression System, C-His,Expresso® T7克隆和蛋白表达系统
货号 | 49002-1/2 | 售价(元) | 2901/5271 |
规格 | 5T/10T | CAS号 |
- 产品简介
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Expresso® T7 Cloning and Expression System, C-His,Expresso® T7克隆和蛋白表达系统 |
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The Expresso T7 Cloning and Expression System is a simple method for rapid cloning and expression of 6xHis tagged proteins. The system is based on the inducible T7 expression system (1, 2), but it provides improved control over gene expression.
The pETite vectors facilitate enzyme-free cloning of target genes and inducible expression under control of a bacteriophage T7 promoter. They are provided with HI-Control™ 10G Competent Cells for high-efficiency cloning and HI-Control™ BL21(DE3) cells for tight control of target gene expression prior to induction and enhanced expression following induction.
▪ Save time! Enzyme-free cloning in seconds with cloning-ready vector and cells;
▪ High efficiency: ›90% recombinants;
▪ Tightly-controlled expression of N- or C-terminal 6xHis tagged proteins.
图1.Cloning-Ready Vectors Save Hours of Research Time.
Figure 2. pETite T7 expression vectors: Small size (2.2 kb vs. 5.4 kb for pET) for easier manipulation, including targeted mutagenesis. Vectors are pre-processed for instant enzyme-free cloning of PCR products with a choice of amino-terminal or carboxyl-terminal fusion of 6xHis tag to protein of interest.
Figure 3. High cloning efficiency with Expresso T7 System.
▪ Expresso® T7 Cloning and Expression System, N-His(货号#49001)
▪ Expresso® T7 SUMO Cloning and Expression System(货号#49003)
▪ HI-Control™ 10G Chemically Competent Cells (SOLOs)(货号#60110-1)
▪ HI-Control™ BL21(DE3) Chemically Competent Cells (SOLOs)(货号#60435-1)
▪ SUMO Express Protease(货号#30801-2)