美国List Labs公司是世界著名的科研毒素试剂供应商,其产品包括难辨梭状芽孢杆菌毒素A、B,志贺氏毒素,霍乱毒素,炭疽毒素(PA、LF、EF),百日咳毒素,白喉毒素,CRM197,破伤风毒素,葡萄球菌肠毒素B,肉毒毒素,脂多糖(LPS),内毒素等各类毒素,此外也提供相应的毒素抗体与类毒素,包括破伤风类毒素与难辨梭状芽孢杆菌毒素A、B类毒素。其产品都是具有完全活性的优质纯天然细菌毒素。
百日咳毒素(Pertussis Toxins)
百日咳毒素(PTX),来源于:百日咳杆菌(Bordetella pertussis),是一种多亚基毒素,与很多哺乳动物细胞结合,特异性作用于G蛋白,抑制G蛋白发挥信号通路的功能。PTX这种抑制信号通路的功能被广泛应用于细胞生物学研究。PTX 被广泛应用与刺激啮齿类动物模型的制备,比如:实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎动物模型(EAE)。动物模型的制备受很多因素的影响,例如:小鼠品系,性别,免疫剂量以及佐剂的应用。客户可参考该产品的应用文献。
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
179A |
Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis (in Glycerol) |
50ug |
179B |
Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis (in Glycerol) |
100ug |
180 |
Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer |
50ug |
181 |
Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized (Salt-Free) |
50ug |
180 ,181,179 区别?
天然的百日咳毒素在制备上稍有不同。其中180 是毒素溶解于缓冲液后冻干,因此是含盐成分的。181 是纯水溶解后冻干,因此是不含盐的。而:179是溶解于甘油溶液。客户可依据文献报道,针对相应的实验,选择对应的产品。
白喉毒素(Diphtheria Toxin )
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
150 |
Diphtheria Toxin, unnicked from Corynebacterium diphtheriae |
100ug |
破伤风毒素(Tetanus Toxins )
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
190A |
Tetanus Toxin |
25ug |
190B |
Tetanus Toxin |
100ug |
193 |
Tetanus Toxin C Fragment |
10ug |
199 |
Tetanolysin from Clostridium tetani |
100ug |
650A |
Tetanus Toxin Light Chain, Recombinant |
10ug |
艰难梭菌 (Difficile Toxins)
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
152C |
Toxin A from Clostridium difficile |
100ug |
153 |
Toxin A Toxoid from Clostridium difficile |
100ug |
154 |
Toxin B Toxoid from Clostridium difficile |
100ug |
155A |
Toxin B from Clostridium difficile |
2ug |
155B |
Toxin B from Clostridium difficile |
20ug |
155D |
Toxin B from Clostridium difficile |
100ug |
炭疽毒素(Anthrax Toxins)
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
169A |
Anthrax Lethal Factor (LF-A) , Recombinant from Bacillus anthracis Native Sequence |
0.1mg |
171A |
Anthrax Protective Antigen (PA), Recombinant from Bacillus anthracis |
0.1mg |
172A |
Anthrax Lethal Factor (LF), Recombinant from Bacillus anthracis |
0.1mg |
177A |
Anthrax Protective Antigen Fragment (PA 20) from Bacillus anthracis |
50ug |
178A |
Anthrax Edema Factor (EF), Recombinant from Bacillus anthracis |
0.1mg |
9169A |
QD Anthrax Lethal Factor (LF-A), Recombinant from Bacillus anthracisNative Sequence |
0.1mg |
9171A |
QD Anthrax Protective Antigen (PA), Recombinant from Bacillus anthracis |
0.1mg |
疫苗载体蛋白(Vaccine Carrier Proteins)
很多灭活的毒素,比如:破伤风类毒素、白喉类毒素和白喉毒素CRM197(天然突变株)作为载体蛋白用于疫苗开发中,刺激强免疫应答。近,List Labs通过基因工程方法改造的百日咳毒素,保留了毒素的活性,也可用于疫苗载体蛋白。
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
149 |
Diphtheria Toxin CRM197, Mutant |
0.5mg |
151 |
Diphtheria Toxoid, from Corynebacterium diphtheriae |
0.5mg |
184 |
Pertussis Toxin Mutant |
50ug |
191 |
Tetanus Toxoid from Clostridium tetani |
25ug |
191B |
Tetanus Toxoid from Clostridium tetani |
100ug |
· Jamie N Sutherland.Characterization of a key neutralizing epitope on pertussis toxin recognized by the monoclonal antibody 1B7.Biochemistry. 2009 December 22; 48(50): 11982–11993. doi:10.1021/bi901532z. (应用产品:百日咳毒素)
· Sutherland JN.Antibodies recognizing protective pertussis toxin epitopes are preferentially elicited by natural infection versus acellular immunization.Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2011 Jun;18(6):954-62. doi: 10.1128/CVI.00561-10.(应用产品:百日咳毒素)
· Lin CC.Bhlhe40 controls cytokine production by T cells and is essential for pathogenicity in autoimmune neuroinflammation.Nat Commun. 2014 Apr 3;5:3551. doi: 10.1038/ncomms4551. (应用产品:百日咳毒素)
· Isabel A. Soellner.Differential aspects of immune cell infiltration and neurodegeneration in acute and relapse experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.Clinical Immunology (2013) 149, 519–529(应用产品:百日咳毒素)
· Chiang W. Lee.Expression and Immunogenicity of a Recombinant Diphtheria Toxin Fragment A in Streptococcus gordonii.APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Aug. 2004, p. 4569–4574.(应用产品:白喉毒素)
· Christina von Hunolstein.Relevance and Criticality in an External Quality Assessment for the Determination of Diphtheria Antitoxin. J Immunol Clin Res 2(2): 1022.(应用产品:白喉毒素)
· Jingjing Jiao.Central Role of Conventional Dendritic Cells in Regulation of Bone Marrow Release and Survival of Neutrophils.The Journal of Immunology April 1, 2014 vol. 192 no. 7 3374-338. (应用产品:白喉毒素)
· Mehdi Yousefi. Comparative in vitro and in vivo assessment of toxin neutralization by anti-tetanus toxin monoclonal antibodies.Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics.Volume 10, Issue 2, 2014. (应用产品:破伤风毒素)
· Moayeri M.Correction of murine hemophilia A by hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy.Mol Ther. 2005 Dec;12(6):1034-42. (应用产品:破伤风毒素)
· Xiang-He Lei.Using Phenotype MicroArrays to Determine Culture Conditions That Induce or Repress Toxin Production by Clostridium difficile and Other Microorganisms.PLoS ONE 8(2): e56545. doi:10.1371.(应用产品:艰难梭菌)
· Hercules Moura.Proteomic Analysis and Label-Free Quantification of the Large Clostridium difficile Toxins. International Journal of Proteomic. Article ID :293782. (应用产品:艰难梭菌)
· Pradeep K.Gupta.Role of N-Terminal Amino Acids in the Potency of Anthrax Lethal Factor.PLoS ONE 3(9): e3130. doi:10.1371. (应用产品:炭疽毒素)
· Fang H.Anthrax lethal toxin has direct and potent inhibitory effects on B cell proliferation and immunoglobulin production.J Immunol. 2006 May 15;176(10):6155-61. (应用产品:炭疽毒素)
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