Gibco™ B-27™ 补充剂,XenoFree,去除维生素 A
货号 | A3353501 | 售价(元) | 3890 |
规格 | 10ml | CAS号 |
- 产品简介
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B-27 Supplement XenoFree Minus Vitamin A is manufactured at a site that uses methods and controls that conform with cGMP for medical devices, 21 CFR Part 820. Our FDA-registered manufacturing sites are ISO 13485– and ISO 9001–certified.
Formulated xeno-free
The preparation contains no animal-derived components at the primary component level.
For other applications, we provide alternative formulations of B-27 supplements and Neurobasal media.
For established protocols using B-27 Supplement, access our Gibco Neurobiology Protocol Handbook.