MicroAmp™ TriFlex 96-Well PCR Reaction Plate
货号 | A43673 | 售价(元) | 416 |
规格 | 20块/盒 | CAS号 |
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The Applied Biosystems MicroAmp TriFlex 96-Well PCR Reaction Plate is a versatile polypropylene PCR plate designed for use with Applied Biosystems standard (0.2 mL) 96-well and ProFlex 3x32-well thermal blocks. The plate contains three identical 32-well plate segments connected by dual side tabs that can be used as a single 96-well plate or divided into 32-well plates for smaller experiments.
• Versatile format works with standard 96-well and 3x32-well thermal blocks
• Reduce waste from smaller experiments with individual 32-well plates
• Easy handling and labeling with semi-skirted side tabs
• Alphanumeric labeling on each 32-well plate segment for easy well identification
• Certified free of DNA, RNase, and PCR inhibitors
The MicroAmp TriFlex 96-Well PCR Reaction Plate offers the same thin-walled construction as all other MicroAmp plastics, allowing for excellent heat transfer from thermal block to sample and is validated with Applied Biosystems PCR thermal cyclers for optimal fit and performance. Reduce waste from smaller experiments by using the easy-to-tear dual side tabs to separate the 96-well plate into individual 32-well plates. MicroAmp 32-Well Clear Adhesive Film is also available for use with the 32-well plate segments.