AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Biotin-RNA Transcription Kit 生物素RNA体外转录试剂盒
货号 | ASB71110 | 售价(元) | 5501 |
规格 | 10T | CAS号 |
- 产品简介
- 相关产品
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
价格/元 |
ASF3507/ASF3257 |
AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Transcription Kit/AmpliScribe™ T7快速体外转录试剂盒 |
50T/25T |
4253/2831 |
AS3107 |
AmpliScribe™ T7 High Yield Transcription Kit,AmpliScribe™ T7高产转录试剂盒 |
50T |
3191 |
DS010910/DS010925 |
DuraScribe T7 Transcription Kit/核酸酶耐受体外转录试剂盒 |
10T/25T |
4567/8466 |
ASB71110 |
AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Biotin-RNA Transcription Kit 生物素RNA体外转录试剂盒 |
10T |
5501 |
AS3107 |
AmpliScribe T7 High Yield Transcription Kit/高产体外转录试剂盒 |
50T |
3931 |
The AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Biotin-RNA Transcription Kit utilizes Lucigen’s high yield AmpliScribe Flash in vitro transcription technology and Biotin-16-UTP (provided in the kit) to produce high yields of biotin-labeled RNA. Linearized plasmids, double-stranded cDNA and PCR products containing a phage T7 transcription promoter are efficiently transcribed. An AmpliScribe T7-Flash Biotin-RNA Transcription Kit reaction can be performed using 50 ng to1 μg of input Control Template DNA. The in vitro transcription reaction conditions have been optimized to produce the highest yield of Biotin-RNA with high incorporation of biotin-UTP.
Exceptionally high yields. The kit uses Epicentre's AmpliScribe T7-Flash rapid, high-yield in vitro transcription technology to generate the highest possible yield of biotin-RNA.
Optimized. In vitro transcription reaction conditions maximize yield of uniformly labeled biotin-RNA for high signal intensity.
Convenient. Rnase Inhibitor included.
▪ AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Enzyme Solution,
▪ RiboGuard™ RNase Inhibitor,
▪ AmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ 10X Reaction Buffer,
▪ NTP/Biotin-UTP PreMix (ATP, CTP, GTP, UTP, and Biotin-16-UTP) Solution,
▪ RNase-Free Water,
▪ RNase-Free DNase I,
▪ DTT,
▪ Control DNA Template (linearized).
产品应用- Production of nonradioactive RNA probes for any purpose, including microarray (transcription profiling) studies, in situ hybridization, and blotting experiments.